Wednesday, May 02, 2007

M, Dad! M!!

That's what Colter will holler out the back patio door while pointing to the mountain. If you click here, you can see the "M" from our bedroom window. If you click here, you can see what it looks like from the Google satellite. If you look below, you can see Colter actually touching the M. It's a helluva walk up, took a little over an hour. That's mostly because we wouldn't carry Colter on the way up. We kept telling him if he wanted to see the M, he had to walk. The way down was another story. We took the longer, much less steep route, and picked him up about two minutes into the decent. He promptly fell asleep in Jenn's arms as we walked down. We switched back and forth a couple of times, but he styed asleep until we put him in the car, then he was wide awake.

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