Colter had his 15 month appointment on Wednesday, October 5th. For the first time he freaked out when we walked into the clinic. He saw the receptionist and grabbed onto me and climbed me like a monkey going up a tree. He then proceeded to cry the entire time he was being weighed and measured. It was a very unusual day. Once the nurse left the room it was business as usual. Colter started moving the chairs and tried to open all of the locked drawers. After a few rounds of “this-itis,” someone knocked on the door. It was the Nurse Practitioner (cue the lights and harp music) ready to assess our screaming monkey. I swear, Colter must think this lady is an angel from above because everytime he gets to see her he’s mezmorized by her calming voice. He just stood there and stared at her. After a few moments of poking and prodding and checking for “bunnies” in his ears the development portion of the program was about to begin.
“Colter, can you see the light (he looks up at the lights on the ceiling and points) on my hand?”
“Colter, can you sit (he squats to the ground) on Mommys lap while I check your ears (touches his ears)?”
This is where we had to explain he’s too smart for his own good and knows that “light” is up, “sit” means down and can point to various body parts when asked. She then asked us what else he can do. We told her he knows “up” and “down” (squats and stands when we say “up, down”), runs to the bathroom door and pounds on it when asked, “ready for a bath?”, can undress himself with help, feed himself with a fork, stack blocks (canned goods, actually), can point to animals (“where’s the duck”) or objects (“where’s the little boy”)in a book when asked and put the puzzle pieces in the puzzle. Apparently we have a two year old but no one bothered to tell us.
Stats from the Dr. visit:
33 ¼” tall
25 lbs