Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Kiss Good Night, Colter

We have a book that Colter enjoys called "Kiss Good Night." It tells the story of a little bear named Sam who goes through his nightly rituals with his Mommy; book, blanket, friends, milk. Sam's nightly rituals are basically the same as Colter's; book, bath, milk, friends.

After Mommy bear has read a book, tucked Sam in, gathered his friends and drank warm milk, she asks "Are you ready now Sam?" He replies, "oh no, I'm waiting." This goes on for a while until Mommy bear realizes Sam is waiting for his kiss good night. I love reading this book to Colter. Not because of the story but because Colter does certain things when I read certain lines in the book. When Sam says "oh no, I'm waiting" Colter will shake his head no and smile. When Mommy bear finally realizes Sam is waiting for his kiss good night she "bends way down, kissing Sam once, then twice, then twice more." This is where Mommy (me Mommy) melts into a million pieces. Colter will bow his head and push it toward my mouth waiting for his kiss good night. I could read this book a hundred times just to freeze this moment.

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