Thursday, August 18, 2005

And For My Third Wish...

You’re just over thirteen months old now and I’m probably a bad mother for not keeping up your baby book. I think the last entry was somewhere in the month of June. Truth be told, I’m too darn tired. You’re constantly going from the minute you get up (6:00 a.m.!) until the minute you go to bed (8:00 p.m.). You’re running, climbing, exploring everything.

You used to say “car car” like there was no tomorrow but now everything is (while pointing) “this” and “dat.” You want to know what everything is. You’ll pull up your shirt and find your belly button and then run to mama and pull up my shirt and shove your little finger in my belly button and say, “dat.”

You don’t quite understand the word “no” yet. Actually, I think you understand but you think that “no” means “this must be something really good if I can’t have it,” like ripping the nightlight out of the wall (my little moth), trying to take garbage out of the garbage can, shoving farm animals into the VCR and pulling dirty steak knives out of the dishwasher. * I’d like three wishes now…#1 make me an octopus, #2 put eyes in the back of my head, #3 turn me into Super Nanny; that woman is a genius * You earned your first official time-out; one minute for touching the hot stove door repeatedly. Never mind you would touch the stove, be told “no,” laugh and then wait until the very second we reach out to move you, you’d run away. How old are you? Is this normal?

Some of your favorite things:
Little People Farm
String cheese
Wheat crackers
Water (won’t touch juice)

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