If you read my previous
post this morning, you know that I was having a discussion about how different Facebook users who aren't on Twitter are different from those who are. (Name) sent me an e-mail this evening in response to the post:
So I was just going through my bookmarks, deleting ones I never use. I came across your Colter's Blog. Just for kicks, I clicked on it. To my surprise, you created an entire blog about what happened? My God....I had no idea you were so needy and starved for attention.
And yes...you *do* need to grow up. :) Bye bye little boy...and believe me, no matter what your other "friends" say....no one gives a shit about what you do every second, and really....no one gives a shit about conversations you have with your kid.
My first reaction was something along the lines of, "oh yeah?!" But then, that would feed into her "little boy" line of thinking, and there's nothing I can say that would change that.
There's 474 people (plus or minus with some spammers I may not have gotten to yet) that apparently do give give a shit about what I do every second, many of whom I truly consider friends. There's also 323 people that *I* give a shit about what they do every second. In fact, I've managed to meet a small handful of them that I consider to be very dear real life friends, and one very very special one.
It should be pointed out that (Name) contacted me via Yahoo personals some time early last summer, based on our mutual attraction to Yellowstone. However, (Name) lives in Virginia, and since there was very little chance of us seeing each other very often, it wasn't going to work out. (Name) has no children and from what I can tell, it's going to stay that way. It's a damn good thing, too, because I'd hate to see what she'd think of, or how she'd treat my son.
A word of advice for you, (Name)? If you happen to fall for a single dad, you are never going to get anywhere with him if he's a dad that's worth a damn, and for those kids' sake, I hope you don't. The last line in your e-mail will make sure that you never, ever come anywhere but dead last.