Saturday, March 07, 2009

Spring Back, Fall Ahead! Wait...what?

I've been catching some (good-natured) flack for the following post I made on Twitter: 
Have you been drinking tonight? "Make sure to turn your clocks BACK one hour tonight! Get an extra hour of sleep! BACK one hour."
I've gotten responses like:
donthorp@JayHMT you're gonna mess up a lot of messed up people. Good Job!
QueenofSpain@JayHMT now that's just mean Jay. lol
wrytir@JayHMT LOL! Keep it up. In a couple of hours, you'll get more ... takers.
(edit: a few more added)
shannonpoole@JayHMT what about the drunks at home? hmmm
thattalldude@JayHMT somebody is going to hate you in a few hours. LOL
Hergett@JayHMT That's just mean.

Truth be told, three years ago, I did it to myself. I had to go into one of my radio stations early to make sure that a brand new program was running correctly off the satellite on a Sunday at 6am. The same Sunday that Daylight Savings Time took place. I had myself so worked up/psyched out over what the time change was supposed to actually be, that I ended up at the studio at 3am instead of 5am.

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