Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from Colter! Grandma & Grandma and Grampa all sent cards and booty to put inside Colter's eggs, and he found them all! Of course, his first real Easter egg hunt brings about 8 pounds of candy for him to ingest along with all the nickels and pennies Momma got for the eggs and the quarters Grampa Elroy put in the eggs he sent. Don't worry, they're in separate bowls, he won't be poopin' pennies anytime soon. We went to an egg hunt at the school right by the house last week and the ended up with three eggs. We tried to go the the hunt at the Museum of the Rockies yesterday, but 10,000 eggs got snapped up before he could even start. That and the 26-degree weather made for a pretty shitty morning.
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